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Simply_Kenna/CozyKitsune  Empty Simply_Kenna/CozyKitsune

11/20/2020, 4:38 pm
Simply_Kenna/CozyKitsune  Banner10
The antagonist that cant be saved


Simply_Kenna/CozyKitsune is a 25-year-old "aesthetic"/beauty Youtuber and Influencer. She used to live in Temecula but has since moved to her "forever home" in Japan, where she stayed for one year, and now resides on the East Coast, possibly Rhode Island. While living in Japan, Kenna realized it was not aesthetic enough (they didn't do Fall correctly) and spent a month-long trip traversing around Europe with her ex-friend, where she only posed aesthetic photos of coffee and statues while yelling about ableism. Currently, Kenna is in a Dark Academia/Victorian phase and has a line of (questionable) lipsticks out called The Autumn People Collection.

Kenna is known for her many controversies, her Disney obsession, fake-deep posts, and currently, she claims to have autism with no proof or diagnosis. Kenna also claims to be a writer and hopes to release a book "sometime in 2020." Some of her controversies include: claiming to be a Buddhist while knowing nothing about the religion, stealing other peoples art and claiming as her own (tattoos, merch, etc), claiming to be part of the LGBTQ+ but saying she "didn't know the gays invented the rainbow" while subtly bashing those in the LGBTQ+, claiming to live "paycheck to paycheck" even though she has a trust fund and her family pays for everything, and her latest is autism. The autism part itself isn't so much as scandalous, but Kenna claims to have autism with no diagnosis and apparently has many of the traits, such as sensitive eyes, skin sensitivity, not understanding sarcasm, etc. when there is proof none of these things affected her before. Kenna likes to call anyone "ableist" when they so much as disagree with her, and claims to be "emotionless" (she claims she doesn't miss her family because she has no emotions to show she misses anyone) yet complains that the media portrays people with autism as "emotionless robots."

Kenna currently lives on the East Coast in a new studio apartment where she is decorating in the Victorian style, which she claims to have always been interested in. She has no intentions of stopping her extreme photoshopping anytime soon.

Social Media:
IG: Cozykitsune
YouTube: Cozykitsune

Mass Posting Ahead:

Kitsune Collection:


East Coast:


Harukaâ™…, sailormewn, Hanya, BearsBeetsBattlestar, PrettySavage, Strawberries, nyaako and like this post

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Simply_Kenna/CozyKitsune  Empty Re: Simply_Kenna/CozyKitsune

11/23/2020, 3:11 pm
Sounds about right! 👍🏻

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Simply_Kenna/CozyKitsune  Empty Re: Simply_Kenna/CozyKitsune

11/23/2020, 10:36 pm
Simply_Kenna/CozyKitsune  Tenor

Please let this be accepted, I can't wait anymore

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Simply_Kenna/CozyKitsune  Empty Re: Simply_Kenna/CozyKitsune

11/25/2020, 4:04 pm
Her new profile pic as of todaySimply_Kenna/CozyKitsune  12f3c510

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Simply_Kenna/CozyKitsune  Empty Re: Simply_Kenna/CozyKitsune

11/26/2020, 2:42 pm
I swear to god she's had something done to her lips at least. They seem bigger to me?

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Simply_Kenna/CozyKitsune  Empty Re: Simply_Kenna/CozyKitsune

11/27/2020, 3:55 pm
aloha wrote:I swear to god she's had something done to her lips at least. They seem bigger to me?

I think all she did was just draw over them with lipstick to make them larger, I don't think she had any procedures done.
I could be wrong of course, but to me it just seems like they were drawn to be bigger.

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Simply_Kenna/CozyKitsune  Empty Re: Simply_Kenna/CozyKitsune

11/27/2020, 7:41 pm
She looks like a clown, which is the usual effect this kind of overdrawing lips with red give. In any case nice to see she's still committed to wash her skin tone out so much she looks like a ghost: pale

This one is even more uncanny:
Simply_Kenna/CozyKitsune  12587310

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Simply_Kenna/CozyKitsune  Empty Re: Simply_Kenna/CozyKitsune

11/29/2020, 1:27 am
Exciteeed asf for this. I hope I don't mess things up

sailormewn and BunnyIRL like this post


Simply_Kenna/CozyKitsune  Empty Re: Simply_Kenna/CozyKitsune

11/29/2020, 4:11 pm
I usually don’t post a lot of things but this pissed me off. So Kenna has been ranting about people have been sending her religious stuff. And boy did her response...just. When it comes to religion people shouldn’t get offended and should take it with a grain of salt. So, Kenna decided that it would be so cool to post a response/rant about it. Then, decided to mock the person who said they would pray for her. Like...I don’t understand, why not just turn off your dms so you don’t get them?

I know religion is not for everyone which is totally fine. But when I see people mocking any kind of religion or getting pissed off because someone said they are praying for them, that’s when I draw the line. How do you guys feel about it?
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Simply_Kenna/CozyKitsune  Empty Re: Simply_Kenna/CozyKitsune

11/29/2020, 9:06 pm
All of the photos have been added (more soon) so I hope it can be approved soon!

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Simply_Kenna/CozyKitsune  Empty Re: Simply_Kenna/CozyKitsune

11/30/2020, 10:07 am
BunnyIRL wrote:All of the photos have been added (more soon) so I hope it can be approved soon!

This is late but the thread has been approved a few days ago!

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Simply_Kenna/CozyKitsune  Empty Re: Simply_Kenna/CozyKitsune

11/30/2020, 9:04 pm

She didn't clean up the audio, and seems yo be trying hard to not look at the camera again.

mew likes this post


Simply_Kenna/CozyKitsune  Empty Re: Simply_Kenna/CozyKitsune

11/30/2020, 11:55 pm
@PrettySavage I just started watching this and had to exit it. You can tell one hundred percent that she is hamming it up and trying to convince people that she is autistic. There is no other way to describe it.
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Simply_Kenna/CozyKitsune  Empty Re: Simply_Kenna/CozyKitsune

12/1/2020, 1:04 am
@foxtail The actual content isn't bad at all, but the presentation makes it hard to take her seriously. She just sounds lost and bored, but what's new?

charry_lil likes this post


Simply_Kenna/CozyKitsune  Empty Re: Simply_Kenna/CozyKitsune

12/1/2020, 7:51 am
@PrettySavage I agree the content was really nice. I believe if she didn’t sound lost and bored, like you said, then the video would have been more enjoyable.
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Simply_Kenna/CozyKitsune  Empty Re: Simply_Kenna/CozyKitsune

12/1/2020, 2:54 pm
@foxtail The thing is I can't even tell whether she's actually feeling like that or just pretending. That's what happens when you're the girl who cried wolf.

Edit: Can you believe she posted another one? And it comes with a donation deal! Queen of altruism, consistency and effort (let's see how long it lasts):

*tries hard not to be cynical and point out how the donation thing benefits her image*

I can't at her "quirky" style:

Simply_Kenna/CozyKitsune  Downlo10

I have to laugh at how she: 1)is showing off presents she's yet to give, ruining the surprise factor 2) has picket out presents for other people that are all Disney, Harry Potter and Avatar related, and quite child-like, as if her whole family shares her taste.

She's as usual quite crafty though, and I admire and envy her for that.

Simply_Kenna/CozyKitsune  Empty Re: Simply_Kenna/CozyKitsune

12/2/2020, 8:44 pm
McKorona seems like she is forever in that woman-child mindset and still simply_lazy and borin, I doubt we’ll ever see her actually show some personal growth at all because she is just too much of an egotistical brat to accept she has anything to progress or further herself within better. After years of people calling out her bullshit and she is still making dumb mistakes like body checking her bruises and just awfully bad tasting opinions that make me want to shake her like crazy tbh. I saw her religious rant and boyy is that girl so cynical about literally everything she can’t understand or bother to educate herself on. So what if your fans pray for you or want to share some things they think could help you? Why does she have to be that frickin rude? But I don’t except anything less from the girl who told other Buddhist the very same religion she pretended to practice and know all about to get over it when they were jus trying to educate her since she was using Buddha heads as a decoration or I think it was a plant pot I forgot. I’ve read heaves of pages on the old thread whenever she gets into commotion online and makes a mess for herself but her responses are always predictable and a good cringe or two, especially when she keeps acting like she’s so smart but she’ll always cares more about whatever negative is being said about her or any kind of critical points. I just can’t understand why it hasn’t come across to her yet that she should really be careful of what she says when she’s been plummeting followers like mad crazy! Will Kenna ever find a sense of reality and normalcy, we may never know!
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Simply_Kenna/CozyKitsune  Empty Re: Simply_Kenna/CozyKitsune

12/3/2020, 8:52 pm
Ugh cant get over this photoshopped sailboat
Simply_Kenna/CozyKitsune  Image011

sailormewn, mew and charry_lil like this post


Simply_Kenna/CozyKitsune  Empty Re: Simply_Kenna/CozyKitsune

12/3/2020, 11:35 pm
@PrettySavage I don't understand why in the world she made a second video like that. It's like, why not make a demo on how to gift wrap without spoiling the surprise. That donation stuff, I honestly think is a front. It's like saying "look, I'm a good person. See? I'm donating to things." It makes my stomach churn. And that "quirky" style of hers. Honestly, it's so child like. My mom use to dress me up just like that. I even showed her the picture of Kenna and my mom just looked at it and said, "where does she think she's going to, kindergarten?" *inserts heavy Spanish accent*
I kid you not, I nearly spat out my coffee.

I will give her a pat on the back with being crafty. I stink at crafts even though I'm good at drawing. lol

But even her youngest sister (not Sierra) is a bit of a jerk too. So I honestly think it runs in the family.

Simply_Kenna/CozyKitsune  Empty Re: Simply_Kenna/CozyKitsune

12/3/2020, 11:38 pm
BunnyIRL wrote:Ugh cant get over this photoshopped sailboat
Simply_Kenna/CozyKitsune  Image011

As a former Graphic Design student, I can confirm that is indeed photoshopped. lol lol!

Simply_Kenna/CozyKitsune  Empty Re: Simply_Kenna/CozyKitsune

12/3/2020, 11:57 pm
@janebane99 I actually 100 percent believe that Kenna is a narcissistic sociopath. Narcissistic sociopaths are known to be very callous and cold towards others and will literally have a STRONG DISDAIN towards people. They will exploit others and tear others down just to get ahead of them, and they downright believe that there is nothing wrong with it. At the same time Narcissistic Sociopaths will seek admiration from others and are actually convinced that they deserve the admiration. They create this own fantasy world that supports their self glorifying fantasies of unlimited success and power, attractiveness, and ideal <--- all of that protects the from feelings of shame and guilt (such as the leaked emails, sending fans to hate other people, and copying other people's art).

Narcissistic sociopaths also have this Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde kind of nature as well. They can be vile, vicious and vindictive in private, but innocent and charming in front of others.

So, when it comes to anything that threatens to burst that fantasy, it is met with extreme defensiveness and even rage (ex:Kenna hates constructive criticism, deletes people's comments, hates it when people point out what she did/said was wrong). Narcissistic Sociopaths also like exploit others without guilt or shame. They even frequently demean, belittle, intimidate, and bully others too. They even lack empathy, which is why she had such difficulty trying to make an apology video. The NS also uses a lot of sarcasm, gaslighting, etc. One of their favorite rules is definitely "Their way or the Highway" and they become EXTREMELY childish when they don't get their own way.

Simply_Kenna/CozyKitsune  Empty Re: Simply_Kenna/CozyKitsune

12/4/2020, 10:05 am
@foxtail Yes very well said! This is the exact same reason I had to unfollow her I most definitely agree she could be a narcissistic sociopath for sure and what a sad shallow life to live to indulge in nothing else but ego and vanity, and on top of that she gives me major body dysmorphia when I look at her heavily photoshopped and filtered photos of herself because I do desire the same look/aesthetic she wants to portray but then I know what she actually looks like because I’ve seen her irl/unedited pics before too and it makes me remember what a big phony and huge poser she is tbh. so it’s like I want to take inspo from her fashion and style sense but she isn’t passionate or creative anymore it’s all feels faked to me, I admit the girl is aesthetically pleasing MOST of the time when she spends half of her time trying to be perfect, I guess that’s due to her obsession with how she appears tho!
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Simply_Kenna/CozyKitsune  Empty Re: Simply_Kenna/CozyKitsune

12/4/2020, 1:43 pm
@janebane99 You can't accuse anyone of "most definitely" having a mental disorder without any proof. That's armchair diagnosing her, which is fucked up. Yes she appears to fit the profile, but even if you were a psychiatrist diagnosing someone without their consent is unethical.

I really wonder who she's collaborated with, the last time it happened it didn't end very well, did it? Also I wonder what type of cf we'll be getting, her pics on the lipstick website are quite awkward.

Simply_Kenna/CozyKitsune  Empty Re: Simply_Kenna/CozyKitsune

12/4/2020, 2:28 pm
@janebane99 its just a theory! I should have been more specific. I am new to this website and I am still trying to learn how to edit and reply comments. I am not diagnosing her, it is just theory that she MIGHT be an NS. We do not know for sure unless she meets with a Psychiatrist or a Psychologist who can professionally psychoanalysis her. I agree with @PrettySavage it is unethical to diagnose someone without their consent. Although she does hold all of these traits that an NS has, it is not up to us to medically diagnose her. Again, it is only a theory.

@PrettySavage yes! She did collaborate with a lady name Bohindie Stream. They made earrings together and sold them for a whopping 40 bucks which is insane!!!
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Simply_Kenna/CozyKitsune  Empty Re: Simply_Kenna/CozyKitsune

12/4/2020, 3:17 pm
@foxtail If she's dropping the collab during December then I wonder if it's a crossover with the lipstick promos. I can't really image what else it'd be, with Disney closed and all. It's sad actually that all her content is so dependent on only a couple subjects that she seems to have exhausted or abandoned: Disney, Harry Potter, Avatar, Dark Academia, Anime, Buddhism, Witchcraft...

Ironically she probably could have an actual career if she had picked a niche and stuck to it. The issue of course is that everything is surface only with her.
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Simply_Kenna/CozyKitsune  Empty Re: Simply_Kenna/CozyKitsune

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