[IMPORTANT] Site Rules
7/21/2020, 4:21 pm
Pretty Ugly Little Liars previously originated within another domain that unfortunately came to a sudden close, the forum itself had a history of opening up discussions about potential or definite snowflakes, online personalities, and other popular figures, and exposing the problematic behavior as well as whatever may follow of their shortcomings and actions. This new site, although perhaps not perfect, is to run in it + the new site's absence.
The main goal and purpose of this site is to function as a surrogate for the brand newnotPULL, archive and hold receipts, but tiny conversations that may produce more receipts we can hold is encouraged.
With all this said, there is a 3 violation rule for the minor offenses - each violation will be under discretion depending on the moderation staffs investigation of each offense and the severity (mods may come together and discuss, which in that event a member could be banned and skipping the violations without question). Offenses such as WKing, or having a dupe account will result in an immediate ban and no chances.
For tutorial on how to add images to your posts, see here.
*By creating an account here, you agree to follow our rules and agree to the collection of data such as e-mails and passwords. We will never sell or use your information outside of PULL. We reserve the right retain accounts and post history for the integrity of the site to protect it against ban evaders with malicious intent.
The main goal and purpose of this site is to function as a surrogate for the brand new
Important Note: The rules are as follows and obligated to change as the site updates and receives feedback:
- Be at least the age of 18+
There may be some adult content posted among the forums, for legality and discussion reasons, it is important to be of legal age to be actively posting and interacting on this site. This is one of the few disclaimers.
2. Censor NSFW
Under the guidelines of the domain, it is expected that NSFW images are appropriately censored and spoilered to avoid any infractions on your account. We also don't want to be the wank-bank material for any orbiters of snowflakes who wander into the site.
3. No White Knighting
It's understandable to have a difference of opinions, but it becomes easily apparent when a user is White Knighting when they blatantly and obsessively defend the snowflake or figure. This is not to ignore the WKs who think they're clever enough to insult the snowflake/figure a few times to avoid detection or definition while clearly obsessively defending them.
(This definition is liable to change).
4. No Derailing
Blatant irrelevant blog posting, posting information not relevant to the topic, or rehashing old discussions that are not related to the current discussion, or just out of hand debates will be taken care of. It's important to step back and recognize when arguments may be going in circles or just not productive to the topic at hand.
5. Agree to Disagree
Simply, be courteous. Discussions can get heated, but there's no excuse or justification for flaming another member over difference of opinion. If the user is breaking a rule, report them and it will be taken care of according to rules and severity. All parties get taken care of if rules are broken from all sides, no matter how right or wrong one may be. Depending on severity of offenses, varying from small to big - insulting someone based off of sexual orientation, race, mental disabilities, or otherwise may result in a ban. This is not tolerated. If a user is problematic towards yourself, please seek out options to ignore them; however, if they're causing unnecessary issues with multiple users - they will go under investigation.
6. No Alt/Dupe Accounts
If you're found having multiple accounts to manipulate arguments, votes, or anything of the sort - all of your accounts will be permanently banned. If you just simply cannot access your account, please reach out to us through our Contact Us instead of making a new one.
7. Doxxing/Hacking
It's important to keep yourself anonymous and majority of your personal information private. Please do not use any personal profile pictures, or anything identifying about who you really are. With that said, please do not personally contact snowflakes, or family/friends of the figures. Do not release photos or information about where their homes are; otherwise if it's relevant and fits the guidelines, please censor any incredibly private identifying personal information that could put the snowflake at risk. HOWEVER, with this said, if any information is public knowledge: that is fair game.
8. Snowflake Usernames
Please do not use the full snowflake/online personality/figure's name as your username unless by chance you are the said person (proof will need to be provided upon notice). Action will be taken to make appropriate and necessary changes. It's generally understood and known that Snowflakes (etc) will attempt to defend themselves, and that is respected (so long as all parties follow the rules).
With all this said, there is a 3 violation rule for the minor offenses - each violation will be under discretion depending on the moderation staffs investigation of each offense and the severity (mods may come together and discuss, which in that event a member could be banned and skipping the violations without question). Offenses such as WKing, or having a dupe account will result in an immediate ban and no chances.
For tutorial on how to add images to your posts, see here.
- Fair Use Statement:
Fair use refers to the right to reproduce, use and share copyrighted works of cultural production without direct permission from or payment to the original copyright holders. It is a designation that is assigned to projects that use copyrighted materials for purposes that include research, criticism, news reporting and teaching. When a project is protected under fair use provisions, the producers of that project are not subject to sanctions related to copyright infringement. The maintenance of fair use protections is central to many non-profit and education projects, especially those that operate in digital and online spaces.
This website may contain copyrighted material, the use of which has not been specifically authorized by the copyright holders. The material is made available on this website as a way to advance research and teaching related to critical media literacy and intercultural understanding, among other salient political and social issues. Through context, critical questioning, and educational framing, the Critical Media Project, therefore, creates a transformative use of copyrighted media. The material is presented for entirely non-profit educational purposes. There is no reason to believe that the featured media clips will in any way negatively affect the market value of the copyrighted works. For these reasons, we believe that the website is clearly covered under current fair use copyright laws.
We do not support any actions in which the materials on this site are used for purposes that extend beyond fair use.
For additional information on copyright law and fair use, please visit http://www.copyright.gov/fls/fl102.html.
For additional information in support of fair use, see “The Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for Media Literacy Education” from American University’s Center for Social Media Imact.
*By creating an account here, you agree to follow our rules and agree to the collection of data such as e-mails and passwords. We will never sell or use your information outside of PULL. We reserve the right retain accounts and post history for the integrity of the site to protect it against ban evaders with malicious intent.
Under no circumstance do we condone members harassing, contacting, nor witch-hunting any snowflake spoke of here.
elainey, supersirius, Fukawa Toko, Buntea, Moonshine, Justalurker, Dam176 and like this post
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